This talk with involve a brief discussion of PyPy, a Python interpreter implemented in Python, followed by a longer discussion of the RPython toolchain which makes this implementation not only possible, but faster than the standard C-Python interpreter. The discussion of RPython will be illustrated using a simple interpreter implemented in Python, which is then translated to native code using the RPython toolchain.
Also, there will be Mandelbrot sets.
def iterate_z(re0, im0, re, im, n):
for i in range(n):
# Z = Z**2 + Z0
temp = re*re - im*im + re0
im = 2*re*im + im0
re = temp
if hypot(re, im) > r_max:
return i
return n
def grey_value(re, im):
return int(scale * iterate_z(re, im, 0, 0, n))
def pixel(i, j):
return grey_value((x_offset + pixel_size * i), (y_offset + pixel_size * j))
def generate_pgm():
write("%s\n" % i_max)
write("%s\n" % j_max)
write("%s\n" % colour_max)
for j in range(j_max):
for i in range(i_max):
write("%s\n" % pixel(i,j))
# Setup code and boilerplate stuff
# ....
How is this possible?
PyPy (Python) ➡ [Magic Translator] ➡ PyPy (native code with JIT added automagically)
PyPy (RPython with hints) ➡ [RPython Toolchain] ➡ PyPy (native code with JIT)
def works():
a = "five"
b = "ten"
c1 = a + b
a = 5
b = 10
c2 = a + b
return c1, c2
def fails(a, b):
return a + b
fails("five", "ten")
fails(5, 10)
[translation:info] Error:
[...about 50 lines of traceback...]
[translation:ERROR] UnionError:
[translation:ERROR] Offending annotations:
[translation:ERROR] SomeString(const='five', no_nul=True)
[translation:ERROR] SomeInteger(const=5, knowntype=int, nonneg=True,unsigned=False)
[translation:ERROR] Occurred processing the following simple_call:
[translation:ERROR] (KeyError getting at the binding!)
[translation:ERROR] v0 = simple_call((function fails), (5), (10))
[translation:ERROR] In <FunctionGraph of (mandelbrot:91)main at 0x108091088>:
[translation:ERROR] Happened at file line 96
[translation:ERROR] c1, c2 = works()
[translation:ERROR] write(c1)
[translation:ERROR] write(str(c2))
[translation:ERROR] c1 = fails("five", "ten")
[translation:ERROR] ==> c2 = fails(5, 10)
[translation:ERROR] write(c1)
[translation:ERROR] write(str(c2))
[translation:ERROR] generate_pgm()
[translation:ERROR] Known variable annotations:
[translation:ERROR] Processing block:
[translation:ERROR] block@6 is a <class 'rpython.flowspace.flowcontext.EggBlock'>
[translation:ERROR] in (mandelbrot:91)main
[translation:ERROR] containing the following operations:
[translation:ERROR] v2 = getitem(v1, (0))
[translation:ERROR] v3 = getitem(v1, (1))
[translation:ERROR] v4 = simple_call((function write), v2)
[translation:ERROR] v5 = str(v3)
[translation:ERROR] v6 = simple_call((function write), v5)
[translation:ERROR] v7 = simple_call((function fails), ('five'), ('ten'))
[translation:ERROR] v0 = simple_call((function fails), (5), (10))
[translation:ERROR] v8 = simple_call((function write), v7)
[translation:ERROR] v9 = str(v0)
[translation:ERROR] v10 = simple_call((function write), v9)
[translation:ERROR] v11 = simple_call((function generate_pgm))
[translation:ERROR] --end--
Equivalent to earlier iterate_z function
label iterate_z
# for k in range(n):
set k 0
set re 0.0
set im 0.0
label k_loop
# temp = re*re - im*im + re0
exec temp mul re re
exec temp1 mul im im
exec temp sub temp temp1
exec temp add temp re0
# im = 2*re*im + im0
exec im mul 2.0 im
exec im mul im re
exec im add im im0
# re = temp
set re temp
# if hypot(re, im) > r_max:
exec mag hypot re im
exec flag gt mag r_max
branchif flag return_from_iterate
# end of loop
exec k add k 1
exec flag lt k n
branchif flag k_loop
# return n
set k n
jump return_from_iterate
def execute(program):
code, mem = compile(program)
pc = 0
while pc < len(program):
jitdriver.jit_merge_point(pc=pc, mem=mem, code=code, program=program)
op = opcode(code, pc)
if op == C_SET:
a = opcode(code, pc+1)
b = opcode(code, pc+2)
mem[a] = mem[b]
pc += 3
elif op == C_EXEC_1:
symbol = opcode(code, pc+1)
op = opcode(code, pc+2)
a = mem[opcode(code, pc+3)]
mem[symbol] = monops[op](a)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("illegal unary op: %s" % op)
pc += 4
elif op == C_EXEC_2:
symbol = opcode(code, pc+1)
op = opcode(code, pc+2)
a = mem[opcode(code, pc+3)]
b = mem[opcode(code, pc+4)]
mem[symbol] = binops[op](a, b)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("illegal binary op: %s" % op)
pc += 5
elif op == C_BRANCHIF:
x = opcode(code, pc+1)
loc = opcode(code, pc+2)
if int_value(mem[x]):
pc = loc
pc += 3
elif op == C_JUMP:
loc = opcode(code, pc+1)
pc = loc
elif op == C_DISPLAY:
arg = opcode(code, pc+1)
os.write(stdout_fd, '%s\n' % mem[arg].as_text())
pc += 2
elif op == C_END:
pc = len(code)
raise ValueError("unknown command")
return 0
os.write(stderr_fd, "ERROR at PC: %s\n" % pc)
return 1
$ time python mandelbrot.mach > img.pgm
jeopardy theme
real 91m46.877s
user 26m4.570s
sys 0m3.152s
Over 350 times worse than our original Python program!
$ time pypy mandelbrot.mach > img.pgm
real 2m33.314s
user 2m29.942s
sys 0m2.939s
Now only 10 times worse than our original program
$ pypy rpython
Forty seconds and many messages to stdout later we have an executable machine-c
$ time ./machine-c mandelbrot.mach > img.pgm
real 0m6.137s
user 0m4.528s
sys 0m1.605s
Suddenly our simple interpreter is running faster than CPython!
This involves about 5 lines of hints and boilerplate and passing the --opt==jit
option to RPython.
jitdriver = JitDriver(greens=['pc', 'code', 'program'], reds=['mem'])
def jitpolicy(driver):
from rpython.jit.codewriter.policy import JitPolicy
return JitPolicy()
# And, at the top of the event loop (we've seen this before)
jitdriver.jit_merge_point(pc=pc, mem=mem, code=code, program=program)
$ pypy rpython --opt=jit
Four minutes and many, many messages later we have a new machine-c
$ time ./machine-c mandelbrot.mach > img.pgm
real 0m3.155s
user 0m1.561s
sys 0m1.589s
running on
running on CPythonmandelbrot.mach
running on
running on PyPymandelbrot.mach
running on | | | |
Python 2.7 | 15.4 | 5506 | 45095 |
PyPy | 3.0 | 153 | 532 |
RPython | 2.3 | 6.1 | 98 |
RPython JIT | – | 3.2 | 504 |